Friday 10 June 2011

The Puzzle:

Bomb Goes Off
A bomb goes off.
One person, only a few feet away, survives! How can this be?

Our Solution:

The person was watching it on TV.


Breaking Up a Chocolate BarThe Puzzle: How many steps are required to break an m x n bar of chocolate into 1 x 1 pieces?

You can break an existing piece of chocolate horizontally or vertically.

You cannot break two or more pieces at once (so no cutting through stacks).

(Scroll down if you really want
to see the Solution ...)


The Solution . . .

You need mn – 1 steps.

By breaking an existing piece horizontally or vertically, you merely increase the total number of pieces by one.

You already have 1 piece, so need mn – 1 steps to get to mn pieces.

Q. What can you never eat for breakfast?

A : Dinner.
Q. Bay of Bengal is in which state

A : liquid
Q. What often falls but never gets hurt?

A : Rain
Q. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it?

A. No time at all ..its already built

Thursday 9 June 2011

Hiiii guyz.......!!
Welcome to the world of fun......